Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Risk Assessment


Hazard:  Filming in rough area of town

What could cause harm?
Being mugged, beaten up

What is the likelihood of this happening?
Not very likely but you never know what may happen in this day and age

Who or what would be harmed?
We and/or the equipment could be harmed

How much harm?
The equipment could be stolen or smashed/ damaged, we could be beaten up

Applying the following priorities, how will this risk be managed?
(1)   Eliminate. (2) Reduce or substitute. (3) Isolate. (4) Control. (5) Personal protective equipment

Hazard: Standing on an overpass

What could cause harm?
Falling off

What is the likelihood of this happening?
Unlikely unless messing around, or stood the wrong side of the barrier

Who or what would be harmed?
The actors involved in that particular shot

How much harm?
Anything from a minor injury to a serious injury

Applying the following priorities, how will this risk be managed?
(1)   Eliminate. (2) Reduce or substitute. (3) Isolate. (4) Control. (5) Personal protective equipment

Hazard:  Driving between locations

What could cause harm?
Crashing into another vehicle

What is the likelihood of this happening?
Not very likely, but anything could happen

Who or what would be harmed?
All of people in the car and equipment

How much harm?
Depends on seriousness of accident

Applying the following priorities, how will this risk be managed?
(1)   Eliminate. (2) Reduce or substitute. (3) Isolate. (4) Control. (5) Personal protective equipment

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