Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Second Treatment

 Second treatment:

    After reviewing our first treatment, We decided that we had perhaps been too expectant of ourselves, and would not be able to achieve what we had set out too.
    We came up with the new idea of using a Song which is written and presented by one of our friends. The song we are going to do is a set of ‘Bars’ which are based on the topic of Middle class. We are going to film in near enough the same locations to that of what was in our first plan. However, we will not be filming a journey for this video; we will be shooting the different verses in different locations such as…

·       The beach

·       A wood

·       In a car

·       In a car park

·       In town

·       In the countryside

     The narrative of the video will to be to try and shoot in places that coincide with being middle class. We will try and keep a middle class Mise-en-scene throughout. Although we may touch on other classes (lower and higher). No faces will be shown in our video, this is to hide identities which will give a certain edge to the video. All people present in the making of the video will be wearing masks (the main character will be wearing a plain drama mask, whereas everyone else will wear a mask of their choice). The rest of the costume will be casual, stereotypical teenage wear e.g. hoodies, jeans, polo’s, shirts etc.
      The pace of the video will stay about the same throughout, this is due to the beat and tune of the song being similar near enough the whole time the song is being played. There will be pauses in the lyrics of the song, were we will see the actors running around and going wild in their masks. These clips will then be edited after collecting all of the footage; this will change them to either slow or fast motion causing a slight change to the pace.

    We are going to shoot in the day light and in the dark as this will vary the Mise-en-scene slightly and cause a certain tension. When we shoot in the dark we will use a small bright blue LED to highlight the masks, by doing this only a certain amount of the mask will be present.

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